The Power of Transformation: Embracing Your Journey

Dear friends,
We all go through numerous transformations in our lives, and it can be a challenging and overwhelming experience that can make us feel like strangers to ourselves and those around us. The process of evolving into our true self can be so powerful that it can shatter our perceptions and bring us to our knees. This journey of becoming can feel entirely out of our control, and witnessing it can be painful.
Long ago, as hunter-gatherers, our survival depended on tracking the transformations of landscapes, seasons, and animals. It was inherently understood that humans transform, and the rituals indigenous cultures developed to support this process speaks to the importance that was placed on honouring the authentic human story. However, in today's society, we have removed many of the processes that aided us in reducing and reforming ourselves. We’ve kept a few of the most important rituals surrounding birth, marriage, and our eventual passing on. Yet, they are often stripped of mystery and rarely experienced as having the space for authentic transformation.
We are living in a strange moment in human history where we need to be polite, civilised, and conform to societal norms and social media expectations. We often talk around the issue of authentic transformation, even in the sphere of wellness, including social media, presenting a palatable version that we can easily digest. However, the truth and power of transformation is that it can feel terrifying. It is a corrosive process that shatters the ground beneath our feet, leaving our hearts cracked and crumbled into ash as we realise nothing will ever be the same. Yet, it is through transformation that we can discover our purpose and the reason why we are here.
As a ritualist and meditation teacher, my work and practice revolve around supporting others through their transformative journeys and honouring the process of rebirth into the next stage of the journey. I have been blessed to undergo what feels like many lifetimes through the rituals and ceremonies I have experienced. Each aspect of my work has a fundamental connection to the tools we crafted long ago to explore the mysteries of life and honour the sacred purpose that lies within our hearts.
Meditation, storytelling, and ritual have been utilised for thousands of years to aid our ancestors to thrive through each of their life stages, and it is my life's greatest honour to continue that work this year. I am excited to announce the recommencement of my weekly Saturday classes and workshops at Hitchin Lavender, starting on Saturday, June 3rd at 9am.
To celebrate the restart of the classes, I am pleased to offer a special deal to participants during the month of May. If you book two spaces for yourself and a guest for either the May Full Moon Mediation workshop on the 5th of May or for a Saturday Morning Meditation class, the third place is free, which means you can invite or gift a place to someone you feel will benefit from either of the full moon workshop or the Saturday morning meditation class.
This year, my Saturday Meditation Classes at Hitchin Lavender will be offered at a reduced price of £10 per person to acknowledge the cost of living crisis and ensure that as many people as possible can attend. The price includes unlimited ongoing support via email as you embark on all facets of your transformational journey.
The early bird price for my next Sacred Magic Weekend Workshop (on June the 4th and 5th) ends on the 30th of April, if you’d like to attend at the reduced price please book soon. Details of this powerful workshop is listed below.
No matter how lost we may feel during our transformative journey, our intuition continually calls out to us, showing us the path set out before us. It may only be one step away, but it is through this journey that we can discover the miracle of our lives and the important and sacred purpose that lies within our hearts. I am looking forward to continuing that journey with you this year.

Saturday Meditation Classes at Hitchin Lavender.
This year, my Saturday Weekly Classes will be offered at a reduced price of £10 per person to acknowledge the cost of living crisis and ensure that as many people as possible can attend. The price includes unlimited ongoing support via email as you embark on all facets of your transformational journey.
Join us for outdoor meditation workshops in the tranquil and beautiful setting of Hitchin Lavender. In these workshops we will teach you how to meditate and aid you to relax, embrace positivity and reduce stress.
The Meditation Workshops at Hitchin Lavender are suitable for all levels of experience.
Join us and experience a unique and powerful Full Moon meditation workshop in the spectacular landscape at Hitchin Lavender. Clear and prepare your mind, will and intent for the year ahead, with an energising full moon meditation workshop on the full moon. Exploring how the full moon can be utilised to initiate powerful change. This workshop will enable you to relax, de-stress, embrace positivity and focus your will and intent for the coming month. You will hear stories and myths under the light of the Full Moon, as you work with John Harrigan.
The Flower Moon - May 5th - 8:30pm - 10:00pm - £28 BOOK NOW

Your ancestors strived and survived across Millenia to ensure their lineage would continue to play its part in the tale of the human species. You are a miracle. The truth you hold within your heart is forever attempting to unfold, yet the power of our stories are often occluded by pain and suffering and the impact of exisiting within systems that attempt to disempower and negate the highest aspirations of our imagination and true will.
Sacred Magic and the two fold path offers us a methodology through which we can explore the wonder and beauty of our existence, in collaboration with the sacred and divine.
This weekend of wonder, ritual and storytelling will offer participants full immersion in the wonders and deep truth of Sacred Magic. Through group work, you will explore the essence of your true story and engage in powerful ceremonies and rituals to unlock the inherent gifts that existence has provided to you whilst exploring:
- Communion with spirit
- The imaginal as a landscape of truth.
- The two fold sincerity.
- Navigating Fate
- Ritual and ceremony as language
- Transformation of trauma.
- The Wilderness as portal to numinous encounters
- Love as anchor point
- Punk Magick
- Ancestral medicine
- Freedom
Over the last thirty five years of work, John Harrigan's practice has focused on the sacred and divine, engaging in exploration of landscapes of wonder through his work as a writer, filmmaker, artist, magician and ritualist. This weekend workshop will offer participants a deep dive into the development of John's work and the commencement in a new stage in his life as an artist and magician.
Saturday the 3rd and Sunday 4th of June - Hitchin, Hertfordshire. Thirty minutes outside of London. Direct line from London Kings Cross.
The Sacred Magic workshop standard rate is £325 inc. VAT per person, though discounts are available:
- Early Bird Offer: book early and save off our standard workshop price.
Book by 30/4/23- £244