The final Sacred Magic Weekend of 2023 is just under three weeks away. This workshop imparts a form of sacred creative practice that forms the foundation of my own practice. It is a profoundly enriching experience that helps us recognize the existence of greater forces at play in our own stories and lives. We delve into how the forces of wonder enfold our existence, influencing our choices and connecting us to a lineage of miracles that links us to our ancestors and the broader narrative of life.

"Having so far attended two of John Harrigan’s Sacred Magick workshops, I think John has created a unique offering in the realm of self development, utilising his skills as a powerful ritual creator, director, performer and storyteller. He has great story-telling charisma, contagious enthusiasm, and displays a highly dedicated approach towards psycho-spiritual health and individuation. The energy was high. He doesn’t do things by halves, and I greatly admire his ability to stay with a process, encouraging participants to embrace their instincts in the face of the unknown. From these workshops I have developed self knowledge through ritual writing and spontaneous physical ritual-making, seen myself reflected in esoteric stories, practised meeting people on a very raw and real level, and had the pleasure of energetically holding and being held by others in a creative, magickal space. In the most recent workshop I participated in, the group gelled very quickly, and that we were able to form that trust so quickly is a credit to John’s facilitation skills. Trust is so important for this work, and John makes people aware he is available post-workshop for follow up questions and help. If you get the chance to do his four week written ritual, which he sometimes teaches during the Sacred Magic workshops, my recommendation is to go for it! That practice in particular has the power to change life in positive, profound, and uncanny ways."~Steph K.
"When I was training to become a Dramatherapist and as a result becoming whatever it is that is still weaving in the world, I experienced myth, ritual and role from the place of being in the moment, as well as a trainee part watching too, making notes. To be fully immersed in ritial however, is a thing of such reverance, that's its almost beyond words.I had known of the work of John Harrigan through people I knew and I saw with delight his bringing together of ritual and theatre, which which was way before my training even began. I kept it in mind to train with him at some point.John Harrigan is a writer, director, theatre and film maker, lecturer and storyteller and his offer was Sacred Magic Weekend. A few weeks ago, me and others gathered and were led through the most profound witnessing and ritual work I have ever experienced, and I was brought up a Catholic!The power of being witnessed, in my absolute pain of aloneness and being fully validated was unbelievable. Imagine you're a therapist and you are without family and close relationships, how difficult it could be to admit the aloneness, because sometimes as a therapist you are expected to be able to do something about it. Not only could I share exactly where I was in the world but this became part of a personal ritual where my story was held by John and the group. It felt like years of talking therapy happened in a weekend, but in this distanced, safe way through which I was able to express years of suffering.I am profoundly moved by my experience and so thankful to have met my group and to have worked with an incredible teacher, who is fully human and understands the systems and constructs that can prevent our healing.I also want to mention his name and work because I believe we should big up the people who help us and it was due to people talking about him years ago that I was able to find his work. You may want to join his meditation in a lavender field, (which is incredible!), or join his workshop or contact him about running workshops. Here are his details.Thank you John Harrigan ”- Su Jackson
“John’s Workshop set off an incredible chain of events in my life that I will never forget. The day itself was an intensely challenging, transformative and moving experience. The opportunity to connect with other people seeking change and courageously revealing themselves helped me to cross some binding lines in my creativity that had seemed impossible to get beyond in the past. The following 4 weeks were, quite frankly, off the chain. As my written story work progressed, completely unpredictable and increasingly wonderful things happened in my real life. These events were inextricably entwined with the written story arc, helping me to understand that there really are no accidents, that anything is possible and that we truly are the authors of our own lives, both on and off the page. I am so glad I took part and thoroughly recommend John’s workshop to anyone thinking of taking part themselves. Stop thinking, start doing and get on board, you will be glad you did.” - Tim Kirby

We now have only three spaces left for the final Sacred Magic workshop this year, so please secure your spot soon.

Equinox Meditation and Storytelling Workshop

On September 23rd, we will embark on a journey across the St. Michael's line to honor the Autumn Equinox through a storytelling walk and Equinox-focused meditation. This workshop allows you to explore your personal journey throughout the year—the beauty, magic, ideas, and plans you have nurtured, as well as the experiences and aspirations that may not have come to fruition. It's a time for contemplation, a moment to recognize what no longer serves your life's path. During the Autumn Equinox, we contemplate what needs to be released and what must wither away to make room for new growth and renewal.

It's a period of balance, reflection, and embracing the wisdom of letting go.

Our walk begins in Ickleford and concludes at the George Pub, where we can enjoy a refreshing drink after our walk and meditation. It's an opportunity to connect with allies and make new friends on your journey of self-discovery.

Full Moon Meditation: Special Subscriber Offer.

The Early Bird discount for the September Full Moon and Meditation Workshop ended yesterday. However, subscribers to my list or WhatsApp group can still purchase tickets at the discounted rate until tomorrow.

Last month, we were blessed to witness the awe-inspiring phenomenon of a MoonBow—an enchanting rainbow illuminating the night sky. This is just one of the magical experiences that workshop attendees have described over the past six years I have been facilitating this workshop at Hitchin Lavender.

1:1 Consultation

I currently have two remaining spots available for 1:1 Consultations in the final quarter of 2023.  Working with me in private 1:1 sessions offers you the opportunity for a deep refocus on your life journey, giving you the tools to thrive, connect and embolden you in the next stage of season of life.

Until next time, I send you many good thoughts and blessings.

Ora et Labora


Discover Magic and Renewal: Upcoming Workshops and Special Offers